



Charter of The Industry-University-Research Institute Cooperation Alliance Between Chongqing and Countries along China-Europe Railway Express

第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 重庆与中欧班列沿线国家产学研合作联盟(TheIndustry-University-Research Institute Cooperation Alliance Between Chongqing and Countries along China-Europe Railway Express)是由重庆交通大学与渝新欧(重庆)物流有限公司发起,重庆与中欧班列沿线国家高校、机构、企事业单位自愿加入组成的合作组织。

Article 1 The Industry-University-Research Institute Cooperation Alliance Between Chongqing and Countries along China-Europe Railway Express (hereinafter referred to as“the Alliance”) is a cooperative association initiated by Chongqing Jiaotong University and Yuxin’ou (Chongqing) Logistics Co., Ltd. and consisting of the voluntary universities, organizations, enterprises and public institutions in Chonging and countries along the China-Europe Railway Express.

第二条 联盟以自愿、平等、合作、发展为基本原则,秉持团结合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢的丝路精神,旨在进一步促进重庆与中欧班列沿线国家民心相通、产业互通和文明互鉴,为重庆重点产业与沿线各国产业对接提供平台、指南和依据,推动构建产学研用合作机制,促进教育链、人才链与产业链、创新链有机衔接。

Article 2Insisting on the basic principle of voluntariness, equality, cooperation and development and the Silk Road spirit ofunity and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, the Alliance aims at enhancing the friendly exchanges, industrial connectivity and mutual cultural learning between Chongqing and the countries along the China-Europe Railway Express, providing a platform, guide and basis for industrial matchmaking among the key industries in Chongqing and the countries along the China-Europe Railway Express, driving the establishment of an industry-university-research-application cooperation mechanism, and promoting the organic connection of the education and talent chains with the industrial and innovation chains.

第三条 联盟依据中国《高等教育法》等法律法规独立开展各类活动,业务上接受重庆市教育委员会指导。

Article 3 The Alliance independently carries out various activities in accordance withChina's Higher Education Law and other laws and regulations and under the guidance of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission.

第二章 基本职能

ChapterII Basic Functions

第四条 搭建开放合作平台。联盟致力为中欧班列沿线国家和地区产业对接搭建平台,建立运行机制,推进项目合作,促进参与联盟的机构间形成多边合作,加强资源融合、渠道融合、优势结合、信息聚合。

Article 4Building an open cooperation platform. The Alliance is committed to building a platform for industrial matchmaking in countries and regions along the China-Europe Railway Express, establishing a proper operation mechanism, driving the program cooperation, promoting the multilateral cooperation among the participating organizations, and enhancing resource integration, channel integration, advantage combination and information aggregation.

第五条 促进互助协作交流。组织联盟成员互访,加强联系,增进了解,交流业务,探讨合作;组织以“产学研合作”为主题的国际论坛、高端对话等活动,聚焦共同关注问题,开展平等协商研讨;组织管理人员培训,适应形势变化,共同应对挑战。

Article 5 Promoting mutual assistance, cooperation and exchange. The Alliance will organize the members to conduct exchange visits, strengthen contacts, enhance understanding, improve business exchanges and discuss cooperation opportunities; hold international forums, high-level dialogues, etc. on the theme of “Industry-University-Research Institute Cooperation” to focus on the issues of common concern and conduct consultation and discussion on an equal basis; and organize training for the management to adapt to the varying situations and deal with challenges.

第六条 提升国际化人才培养质量。集聚优势资源,探索建立“三导师制”(国外高校导师+国内高校导师+企业导师),促进高等教育与行业企业深化产教融合,提高国际化人才培养质量,为共建“一带一路”提供人才支撑。

Article 6 Improving the quality of international talent training. The Alliance will gather superior resources for exploring to establish the "three mentor system" (foreign university mentors + domestic university mentors + enterprise mentors), promoting the integration of higher education and industrial enterprises, and improving the quality of international talent training, so as to provide talent support for the Belt and Road Initiative.

第七条 加强重大问题研究。充分发挥各方优势,围绕重庆与中欧班列沿线国家人文交流、人才培养、产业对接、贸易联通等方面的重点、热点、难点问题,开展信息收集、问题调查、政策研究,提出有针对性、建设性、前瞻性的意见建议,为各国经济社会发展提供智力支撑。

Article 7 Strengthening research on major issues. The Alliance will give full play to various advantages available to carry out information collection, investigation and policy research surrounding the important, hot and difficult issues on cultural exchanges, talent training, industrial matchmaking and trade connectivity in Chongqing and countries along the China-Europe Railway Express, so as to propose targeted, constructive and forward-looking opinions and suggestions, and thus provide intellectual support for national economic and social development.

第三章 组织机构及职责

Chapter III Organizational Structure and Responsibilities

第八条 联盟设立理事会,为联盟最高权力机构。理事会成员由联盟各成员单位负责人组成。理事长由重庆交通大学与渝新欧(重庆)物流有限公司轮值担任,任期三年,如有需要可以连任。理事会会议每年至少召开一次,由轮值理事长单位负责召集并组织召开。如有重大事项,轮值理事长单位可以召集临时会议。理事会的主要职责包括:






Article 8 The Alliance establishes a Council, which is the highest authority of the Alliance. The Council is composed of the heads of the member units of the Alliance. The Council Chairman rotates between Chongqing Jiaotong University and Yuxin'ou (Chongqing) Logistics Co., Ltd., for a term of three years, and can be re-elected if necessary. The Council Meeting will be held at least once a year and the organization of the rotating Council Chairman shall be responsible for convening and organizing the meeting. In case of any big issues, the organization of the rotating Council Chairman may convene temporary meetings. The Council is responsible for the following main duties:

(1) Formulate and revise the Articles of Association and internal management system of the Alliance;

(2) Qualify or disqualify the membership of the Alliance;

(3) Review the work plan and summary of the Alliance;

(4) Lead the Secretariat to carry out its work;

(5) Decide on other major matters of the Alliance.

第九条 理事会下设秘书处,设在重庆交通大学。秘书处为联盟常设办事机构,设秘书长1名,副秘书长1名,秘书处成员由各联盟成员单位相关工作人员组成。秘书处主要职责包括:





Article 9 The Council sets a Secretariat in Chongqing Jiaotong University. The Secretariat is the permanent administrative body of the Alliance, with 1 Secretary General, 1 Deputy Secretary General and several members from the Alliance member units. The Secretariat is responsible for the following main duties:

(1) Implement the resolutions of the Alliance Council, organize, manage and coordinate various work within the Alliance, and develop the businesses of the Alliance;

(2) Prepare for and convene the Council meetings;

(3) Accept the application of joining the Alliance and examine the qualification the applicants;

(4) Deal with other routine work of the Alliance.

第四章 联盟成员

ChapterIV Alliance Members

第十条 联盟吸纳重庆与中欧班列沿线国家致力于产学研合作交流、具备独立法人资格的高校、企事业单位为成员。各联盟成员是独立的法人实体,联盟与联盟成员之间不形成债权债务关系。

Article 10The Alliance recruits those universities, enterprises and public institutions as its members, who are committed to industry-university-research institute cooperation and have independent legal person qualification in Chongqing and countries along the China-Europe Railway Express. The Alliance members are independent legal entities and there is no any debtor-creditor relationship between the Alliance and any Alliance member.

第十一条 加入与退出



Article 11 Joining and withdrawal

(1) Joining. Membership invitation system is employed for joining the Alliance. The Alliance authorizes the Secretariat to undertake the relevant work. The Secretariat sends invitation to the qualified unit, and the applicant fills in the relevant material and submits it to the Council Chairman for approval.

(2) Withdrawal. For voluntary withdrawal, the Alliance member shall send a written notice to the Secretariat. Any member who has seriously violated any of the Articles of Association shall be withdrawn from the Alliance by a vote of the Council.

第十二条 联盟成员的权利




Article 12 Rights of the Alliance members

(1) Enjoy various services provided by the Alliance;

(2) Attend the Council Meeting to discuss and decide on major issues concerning the development of Alliance;

(3) Participate in forums, training, exchanges and other activities organized by the Alliance.

第十三条 联盟成员的义务




Article 13 Obligations of the Alliance members

(1) Abide by the Articles of Association;

(2) Actively participate in the activities organized by the Alliance;

(3) Protect the interests and reputation of the Alliance.

第五章 联盟的运行经费

ChapterV Operating Funds of the Alliance

第十四条 联盟的运行经费主要来源于:政府资助、项目经费及社会捐赠。

Article 14 The operating funds of the Alliance are mainly funded by way of government funding, project funding and social donation.

第十五条 联盟经费用于本章程规定的业务范围和联盟事业发展,不得在会员中分配。

Article 15 The operating funds of the Alliance shall be only used for the businesses and development of the Alliance as stipulated in the Articles of Association and shall not be allocated among members.

第六章 附则

ChapterVI Supplementary Provisions

第十六条 本章程的修订由理事大会提出,理事大会讨论通过后生效。

Article 16 Any revision to the Articles of Association shall be proposed by the Council and take effect after discussion and approval on the Council Meeting.

第十七条 本章程的最终解释权属于联盟秘书处。

Article 17 The Secretariat of the Alliance reserves the right of final interpretation of the Articles of Association.

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